Life Insurance

Life insurance pays out a fixed lump sum to safeguard your loved ones from the financial uncertainty that comes with premature death, the term and benefit can be fixed inline with your personal circumstances.

Mortgage protection

Mortgage protection provides life cover that reduces broadly in line with the balance on your mortgage. In the event of your untimely death it provides peace of mind know that your family won’t have the added worry  of mortgage repayments and the family home has been protected.

Serious Illness Cover

also known as Critical Illness Cover will pay out a tax free cash lump sum in the event of the insured person suffering from one of a list of serious illnesses covered by the policy. The definitions can vary between companies and also some companies cover more illnesses than others. The list typically includes illnesses such as heart attack, stroke, cancer etc.

You can add Serious Illness Cover to your policy or have it as a separate policy. It is generally recommended to have some Serious Illness Protection since your employer may not adequately cover your income should you suffer a serious illness.

Income Protection

An income protection policy is a simple, tax efficient & inexpensive plan that provides you with an alternate source of income if you are unfortunate enough to be out of work because of an illness and suffer a loss of earnings as a result of a disability, injury or accident.

Keyman Cover

As a business owner, you can protect your business in the event of the death or serious illness of an important member of your team. This protection is called ‘Key person Cover’ and it is a life assurance policy taken out by an employer on the life of a key employee, who may also be a shareholder or director. This is done to protect the company against any financial consequences of that individual’s sudden death or serious illness. The sudden death or serious illness of a key person could give rise to a number of immediate financial pressures for the company.

Section 72 Policy

A Section 72 insurance policy is a Revenue approved, whole of life policy, the proceeds of which are tax-free if used to pay an inheritance tax bill. A Section 72 policy allows people to plan for the payment of inheritance tax in Ireland efficiently and in advance.

Section 72 cover allows people to avoid incurring potentially life changing and usually unexpected tax demands upon inheritance of a property or asset. Under Irish law, it is the beneficiaries of the estate who are liable to pay the taxes, not the disponer (the person giving the gift).

About Us & What We Do?

Steeples Financial Consulting are a new company with old school values, We are very client focused and the needs of each individual are carefully considered  and researched  before recommending any product.

We have invested in the most up to date software to ensure that you get the best advice possible as we understand that “one size doesn’t fit all” and  your financial circumstances and requirements change from time to time.

  • Saving and Investments
  • Life & Illness
  • Future Planning
  • Money Managment

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