Personal Pension

Personal pensions or private pensions are pensions that are organised individually by self-employed people or employed people who do not have an occupational pension scheme. Personal pensions are managed by a life assurance or investment company. Tax relief is available for contributions to personal pensions and the amount of the relief is age-related.


A PRSA is a long-term savings account, designed to help people save for retirement. It is available from PRSA providers whose products have been approved by Revenue and the Pensions Authority. As an employer, if you do not make an occupational plan available, you must provide access to a Standard PRSA. PRSAs offer lots of flexibility.

Whether you are in a job or not, you can start one, or add to one.  If you are working, your employer can contribute too, and you’ll get a tax deduction on the money that goes in.  Like any pension in Ireland, there’s no tax on the growth of the money in your pension pot. When you start to access your money on retirement, you can typically take up to a quarter of the pot with no tax charge.

Executive Pension

An Executive Pension is a pension set up by employers for executives or key employees of the company. With an Executive Pension both employees and employers can make contributions.

The ultimate value of your pension plan will depend on the contributions you and your employer have made over the years and the investment return the funds have achieved in your Pot, Not only does an Executive Pension provide you with a long-term plan for your retirement, it is also a tax efficient way for you to set aside money for when you retire as well as being a tax efficient way for your employer to provide you with employee benefits.

In addition to employer contributions you may be able to contribute up to 40% of you income (depending on your age) into your Executive Pension and claim tax relief.

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Steeples Financial Consulting are a new company with old school values, We are very client focused and the needs of each individual are carefully considered  and researched  before recommending any product.

We have invested in the most up to date software to ensure that you get the best advice possible as we understand that “one size doesn’t fit all” and  your financial circumstances and requirements change from time to time.

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